
    Back-End Dev Note, Projects Note

    The How’s and What’s of VueJS

    February 20, 2023

    Hello, I’m Jeannie, your writer for this month. Let’s dive into Vue JS. A progressive JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces, Vue.js offers capabilities like reactive data binding, component-based architecture, and a virtual DOM for effective rendering and is meant to be simple to learn and use. Although it’s frequently used to build single-page applications,

    HR Note

    People who eat together, solve problems together

    February 2, 2023

    Lunch and conversation open the lines of communication and build relationships. It fosters a sense of community that cannot be created in a work environment alone. With just snacks and glasses of water it attempts to bring people together around a common vision. The company team that eats together does not just talk business, they

    Company News・Event, Front-End Dev Note

    What is BEM?

    February 2, 2023

    Hi, I’m Batman. Just kidding ? it’s me, your friendly dev neighborhood, Bonnie Bucad. I’m one of the front-end web developers here in Commude PH. In this blog, I will explain to you what BEM is. What is BEM?   First of all I will tell you how powerful BEM is if you’re poses with

    Front-End Dev Note

    Fastest Way to Setup a Dev Environment for React JS

    January 16, 2023

    Hi there, my name is Nowel Amadeus Herrera and I am a Junior Front-End Web Developer at Commude PH. I have been working on front-end projects for the last six months. In today’s blog post, I am going to share my knowledge about how to quickly set up a React JS Development Environment. React.js is